Some feminist doesn't feel bad that a child was killed by an alligator because...white privilege?

I’m going to say that this is just a bad joke, or bad trolling, because I cannot believe there is someone this unhinged in reaction to the death of a two-year-old. An unnamed feminist literally doesn’t feel bad that a small child was killed by an alligator attack at Disney World’s Seven Seas Lagoon because the family is white—so this obviously is the right time to discuss white privilege, right? Nope. Sorry, I don’t do drugs, but I seriously think this has to be a very, very, very bad joke. I could be wrong—and the progressive left has entered a new evolution of idiocy and insanity (it wouldn’t shock me).


The Twitter account of this person, who is despicable, has gone into the bunker, deleted for now—but screenshots were taken. Here’s what “Brienne of Snarth,” who tweets under the handle @femme_esq, said thanks to Heat Street:

Heat Street also found sentient beings who were appalled by this Twitter rant.

And it’s not like “Brienne” is some random person floating around in the social media sea. Brienne, who lives in Chicago, was asked to comment on a study about misogyny on Twitter, which found out that half of the misogynistic tweets came from other women. So, it could be that that this person possibly has all of his or her marbles, which means the commentary this person doled out over the gator attack places them right in the loathsome category. What a sad, little person—really.

The body of the child was recovered by authorities earlier this week. He was identified as two-year-old Lane Graves. He was attacked and killed on Tuesday night, with his body being recovered intact on Wednesday afternoon around 1:45 p.m. It’s a horrific tragedy, one that many millions of Americans can sympathize with, unless you’re a social justice warrior.


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