Naturally, Clinton Foundation's new policy allows it to keep foreign donors galore

Lack of competition doesn’t often breed better behavior, and the Democratic nomination process for president in 2016 is no different. Grandma Monopoly will keep all the donations she pleases, thanks very much, with a tiny nod to limiting the way in which those donations can come into her foundation. Will it be in giant gifts to the Clinton Foundation, gifts to the Clinton Global Initiative, or will they come in $20,000 attendance fees? These are the problems of America’s Chipotle-orderin’ everywoman.


The board of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has decided to continue accepting donations from foreign governments, primarily from six countries, even though Hillary Clinton is running for president, a summary of the new policy to be released Thursday shows.

The rules would permit donations from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the U.K.—countries that support or have supported Clinton Foundation programs on health, poverty and climate change, according to the summary.

That means other nations would be prohibited from making large donations to the foundation. But those governments would be allowed to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the foundation where companies, nonprofit groups and government officials work on solutions to global problems.

Ministers from any government would be allowed to attend meetings and appear on panels at the group’s meetings and their governments would be allowed to pay attendance fees of $20,000.


Will they hang up the Obama 2010 debunked attack line— foreign governments are funding Republicans’ campaign ads through secret donations to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce? Or, will they double down on this charge as shameless Clintons are wont to do? Always bet on shamelessness.

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Jazz Shaw 4:40 PM | October 17, 2024