Hero Cat gets public recognition she so richly deserves, will throw first pitch

Because Allahpundit and I are not shy about our pro-cat leanings and strive to inform the world that they are not entirely evil (though, frankly, if they weren’t a little bit**y, I wouldn’t respect them nearly as much), you better believe this story’s getting full coverage.

You know the background.
Tara the Cat went H.A.M. on a dog attacking the tiny human with whom she happens to live, saving him from severe injury. She convinced Cat-Loving America that it’s always been right and turned Dog-Loving America into a brigade of harrumphhers and debunkers out to prove this cat a fluke or a hoax. We are a polarized people, but the raw truth of this moment may yet bring us together. Witness, the writer at Bleacher Report have his Road to Damascat moment:


In fact, consider this cat curmudgeon a full-fledged cat lover now.

Grumpy Cat, watch your back, because someone’s ’bout to become a national hero with all the mousetrappings:

The Bakersfield Blaze — the Class A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds — has reached out to the cat’s people hoping to get Tara (that’s her name) to make the ceremonial first pitch at a game next week.

A rep for the team tells us … the owner of the cat ACCEPTED THE OFFER … and Tara (along with the boy she saved) will take the mound to throw out the first pitch on May 20th.

No word on who might actually throw the ball, though I certainly wouldn’t suggest to Tara’s face that she might be incapable.

“Tara is my hero,” Jeremy said.

The local news footage of the young man and his cat is great
if only because as the news crew is trying to get a heart-warming shot, Tara keeps exiting the scene because she’s done being petted. Good kitty. Do your thang.



Hero Cat out

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