Video: "The Socialist"

Ben Howe (with brother Caleb Howe) hits it out of the park yet again. His first video “The Last Best Hope” was goose bump-y. This one is too, but in a different way. A take-off of the film The Social Network, the synopsis of the video, via RedState, is as follows:


The Socialist moved from the halls of academia to the offices of ACORN to a pew in Chicago, and eventually all the way to the oval office, all the while spurred on by the heady early days of a culture-changing phenomenon in the making. In the midst of the chaos and mounting disasters, average American citizens began to object, eventually adding up to more than the sum of their parts in what has become a multi-front, 21st century clash of worldviews.

The last line is key:  “You would think they’d be saying Thank You.” In President Obama’s mind, not only should we be saying “thank you”, but we should be adding in “Please, sir, may I have another” as we beg the Democrats  to feed us crappy bowls of leftist policy porridge. I also love the video’s credits, which hopefully predict that President Obama and the current crop of Democrats are the ones who will be left without a chance for seconds, as the “beginning of the end” arrives in November:

This film has not yet been rated, but the story received a solid B+ from the White House. Catch the beginning of the end in theaters November 2010, with the ultimate conclusion to be seen worldwide in November of 2012.

The Socialist
Directed by Ben Howe. Post-Producution by Caleb Howe.
Based on a script written by Karl Marx. Screenplay conceived by The Sixties.
Edited by History. Starring Barack Obama as The Socialist.


Well done.  As Sarah Palin might say, let the refudiation begin. We’ll see you in November.


Cross-posted from Snark And Boobs

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