Ines Sainz: The woman who cried wolf whistle

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s NewsReal

This past weekend, the woman billed by her employer  as Mexico’s “Hottest Reporter” entered the locker room of the New York Jets football team to conduct an interview. She was wearing the totally demure outfit pictured above. Shockingly, the locker room full of testosterone-laden men noticed that she’s more than a bit attractive and catcalls, whistling and leering ensued. Enter the usual suspects: the media and “womens groups“, like the Association for Women in Sports Media. And the ever annoying and always wrong Joy Behar.


I’m infuriated that this incident happened. I’m not infuriated by the alleged incident itself; I’m super ticked that the inanity required me to read about sporty thingies. And to watch Joy Behar, a woman who could turn me into a misogynist merely by opening her pie hole. In this particular interview, Sainz implies that she was going to let it go, as she should have, until the media and women’s groups stepped in. Naturally; never let a catcall go to waste! Always use it as a way to further enshrine women as poor little victims.

However, subsequent interviews with Sainz show that she didn’t need much prodding to whine and complain. Via

Yes, she wears low-cut shirts, tight jeans and has photos on her employer’s website showing her in a bikini. But that has nothing to do with being a professional sports reporter for Mexico’s TV Azteca, she said today.

“It’s my style,” the 32-year-old television journalist told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” She’s not trying to elicit leers, she said. “It is my style for all my life.”

And she has no plans to change.

“I’m not trying to provoke anything,” she told Meredith Vieira on NBC’s “Today” show this morning. “I don’t think I need to change. They are going to change.


Was it boorish and crass behavior on the part of the New York Jets? Sure. But, who ever claimed that professional football players are the epitome of chivalry? You think one would know that, having worked in the sporty field for years. Secondly, it’s not unexpected at all. On this, the science is settled: men like – and like to look at – hot chicks. I’m pretty sure that’s why she’s featured in a bikini on her website.

Moreover, how is it equality if you require other people – and the workplace itself – to change so that you can do the job? Equality is doing the job as is. She also tweeted that she wanted to die of embarrassment. Listen, I’m a broad and that’s a lie. If I entered a locker room, full of a bunch of athletic men in their prime, wearing a shirt and jeans so tight that you could practically see my ovaries, I’d die of embarrassment if there were NO catcalls or whistles.

I know. As a conservative woman that must be part of my Stockholm Syndrome, right? Or perhaps it’s because unlike my liberal counterparts’ embracing of a perpetual victim hood, I, instead, embrace all aspects of  my gender. I have no problem looking pretty while opening a can of whoop ass when doing my job. See, I”m not a simpleton and can multi-task!  I also know that if one appreciates how a woman looks, it certainly doesn’t preclude them from also appreciating her talents, her work nor anything else. Well, at least it shouldn’t. Evidently, that isn’t supposed to be possible and men are supposed to politely avert their eyes when confronted with a nice rack and shapely arse.


Sainz seems to understand that in her statement below, but apparently the sweet siren call of grievance mongering is too seductive to ignore:

Pressed on the issue of how she dresses, and whether the bikini photos and the plunging necklines invite unwanted attention, Sainz said she chooses clothing that she considers attractive. “All [women] like to be attractive,” she said. “In Mexico, I’m very well known for my image and my work.”

That’s it in a nutshell. She chooses to look attractive. She wants to look attractive. Being attractive is, in fact, part of her image and it is actively pursed by her employer and Sainz herself. Yet, we are to be outrageously outraged – when men find her attractive? Here’s an estrogen-insider secret for all the politically correct, totally aghast at human nature people; most women want to feel pretty and they want to hear you say it. Hence, her clothing that accentuates all her, um, “positives”. It doesn’t make men evil and it doesn’t somehow magically remove the woman’s ability to do her job.

Teachable Moment: If you truly don’t want to be ogled and whistled at, don’t, you know, go into a male locker room sporting a camel toe.

Update (AP): Via Breitbart, believe it or not but we have some bipartisan consensus on this issue — from the unlikeliest source.


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Originally posted at NewsReal.

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