Hillary pals around with Elie Wiesel-hating Blumenthal... but hey, Trump tweeted a star

One of Hillary Clinton’s closest confidants is Sidney Blumenthal. In one of the MANY emails she sent Blumenthal during her tenure at the State Department she praised his son, Max Blumenthal, and one of his books.


Max Blumenthal had this to say about the passing of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel:

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach had this to say about both Blumenthals and their high-placed benefactor: (That’s the Rabbi with Weisel and Sen. Ted Cruz in Blumenthal’s tweet above)

What is truly concerning is that Sidney Blumenthal has not only failed to ever condemn his son’s anti-Israel writings, but has actively advocated for and defended the warped, outrageous ideas conveyed therein. In fact, after learning of Alterman’s critique of Max’s book, Blumenthal began sending out emails attacking Alterman and supporting his son’s shoddy and repugnant anti-Israel scholarship. One such email included an article from the radical anti-Zionist website Mondoweiss (who loved the book and whom Max has written for in the past) attacking Alterman’s review.

But even more concerning than all of this is that Hillary Clinton, the nation’s Chief diplomat, valued Max Blumenthal’s disturbed anti-Israel rants so much that she forked out $120,000 a year to his dad to keep the flow of information coming.

Blumenthal demanded Huffington Post retract that column by Rabbi Boteach. They refused. Blumenthal knows a thing or two about retractions. When he falsely accused James O’Keefe of “hosting” a racist conference years before his famous ACORN video expose, Salon was forced to submit a retraction of the column after I exposed him on the pages of Breitbart’s Big Journalism.


This episode resulted in an epic smack down of Blumenthal by Breitbart in 2010 at CPAC. If you haven’t seen the video, please watch it:

So that’s Max Blumenthal. Pretty odious, right?

And his continuous, despicable attacks on Weisel continue without any comment from Hillary Clinton or any reporter asking Clinton if she stands by her praise of the controversial son of her controversial friend. Not a word.

What do we hear about? Donald Trump tweeted out a negative graphic about Hillary Clinton that someone in his office found on the Internet. The graphic had a six pointed star that evokes a Jewish Star of David.

So, of course, the Clinton campaign and their willing accomplices in the mainstream media are fixating on the graphic claiming it proves Trump’s antisemitism. Seriously.

Donald Trump’s use of blatantly anti-Semitic image from racist websites to promote his campaign would be disturbing enough, but the fact that it’s part of a pattern should give voters major cause for concern.

Trump’s campaign says their social media director re-used the graphic that had been sent from an “anti-Hillary Twitter account”:


Since when does a campaign’s social media director rely on re-purposed graphics for their official Twitter feed? Are you kidding me? You don’t know where these graphics came from. And, apparently, this one came from a cesspool of racism and antisemitism on the Internet.


It seems pretty clear that some pretty ignorant and lazy people working on the Trump campaign who either don’t know any better about things like this (and they should) or they don’t care to do the extra work to prevent these things from happening.

Still, it’s pretty hard to get too worked up over the shape of a star on a tweet when Hillary’s closest confidants flirt with odious, anti-Zionist elements that brought Rabbi Boteach to call an “anti-Semitic, terrorist-defending, Israel-has-no-right-to-exist haters out there.”


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