"It's Just My Brain." Biden Tells Governors He Needs More Sleep, Less Work at Night

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Nothing says he's going to run a robust campaign against former President Trump like President Biden confessing to a group of freaked-out governors that he needs more sleep. Oh yeah, he also can't work after 8:00 p.m. 


The New York Times reports that two people who were in a meeting with Democrat governors from all over the country in the White House on Wednesday and others were willing to comment to the NYT. Other governors were said to have Zoomed into the meeting. 

The Democrat governors were looking to be re-assured that Biden is up to the job of president and that he is going forward with his re-election campaign. It was a crisis meeting caused by Biden's horrible performance during the debate. Typical politicians - some were willing to speak to the NYT yet only three governors spoke to the press in the White House driveway when the meeting was over. That's cowardly.

Democrats are in a pickle. Everyone knows what they saw during the presidential debate. Many Democrats are like rats jumping off the Titanic. Democrats in districts that Trump won in 2020 are running for cover. Several Democrat names are being mentioned as possible replacements for Biden, if he drops out. Those were reported to have attended the meeting at the White House, like Gavin Newsom (CA), Governor JB Pritzker (IL), and Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI). None of them came forward after the meeting to talk to the press about whether or not Biden convinced them that he would stay in the race and win in November. They have been doing television interviews, though, and playing coy about whether they would agree to be Biden's replacement. 


Biden told the governors that he had a cold and was jet-lagged. He had been home for two weeks, though, by the time the debate happened. His trips were to France and Italy. 

The remarks on Wednesday were a stark acknowledgment of fatigue from the 81-year-old president during a meeting intended to reassure more than two dozen of his most important supporters that he is still in command of his job and capable of mounting a robust campaign against former President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Biden said that he told his staff he needed to get more sleep, multiple people familiar with what took place in the meeting said. He repeatedly referenced pushing too hard and not listening to his team about his schedule and said he needed to work fewer hours and avoid events after 8 p.m., according to one of the people familiar with what took place at the meeting.

After Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii, a physician asked Mr. Biden questions about the status of his health, Mr. Biden replied that his health was fine. “It’s just my brain,” he added, according to three people familiar with what took place — a remark that some in the room took as a joke, including Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York, according to a person close to her. But at least one governor did not and was puzzled by it.

Hoo boy. It's just his brain, y'all. We knew that. He has dementia. It's not joke material at this point. I think we're in a constitutional crisis. We have a part-time president who can only work between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and needs afternoon naps. Now he admits he needs less work and nothing after 8:00 p.m. 


What about if a call comes in during the middle of the night and something terrible has happened that the president has to address right away? Does an 8:00 p.m. cutoff on work tell our enemies when they should strike? We need a president who can work all hours of the day or night. 

This is an unserious campaign staffed with unserious people. Everything is all about the bad Orange Man. There is no agenda for a second term that has been presented, except to codify Roe v Wade, which Biden can't do. That would take 60 votes in the Senate and those votes aren't there now and won't be after the elections in November. Republicans are expected to take back the majority in the Senate. *fingers crossed*

All the Democrats talk about is beating Trump, not saving the country. It's party over country with them. Never Trumpers used to say that was a bad thing. Now they are silent. 

Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, said of the president’s comments about more sleep and less late work: “President Bush went to bed at 9, and President Obama made dinner at 6:30. Normal presidents strike a balance, and so does Joe Biden. Hardly the same rigor as Donald Trump who spends half of his day ranting on Truth Social about plans that would cause a recession and the the other half golfing.”


Bush went to bed early but he was up at 5:00 a.m. He was tested and met the occasion. No one has ever doubted that Trump is a workaholic and an early riser. He is also still engaged late at night. Munoz, like others around Biden, thinks voters are stupid. Joe Biden has taken 40% of his term in office on vacation in his homes in Delaware, Camp David, and the homes of billionaire supporters. 

Many Democrats on a conference call the day before voiced opinions that Biden should leave the race. However, during the White House meeting, none came forward about that to Biden. Biden is said to have told two or three that he knows he has to prove to Democrats that he can win.

 Biden gave a radio interview with a Milwaukee station. He told the host that he screwed up

Mr. Biden told a Milwaukee radio station in an interview made public Wednesday that he had “a bad night.” In the prerecorded interview with the radio host Earl Ingram, Mr. Biden added, “The fact of the matter is that I screwed up. I made a mistake.”

The White House can't even get Biden's doctor check-ups straight. 

A White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, confirmed that Mr. Biden had seen the White House physician to check on the cold. But on Friday, the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said the opposite, telling reporters that Mr. Biden had not had any kind of medical checkup since February.



Biden knows he can't do the job. He is too old and he suffers from dementia. This is how he is aging. Trump is aging differently. There is nothing Biden can do to change his reality. It will only get worse. His ego is too big and his family (his wife) doesn't want him to retire. The Biden Crime Family doesn't want to leave any money on the table. 

Who is running the White House? Hunter Biden is sitting in on meetings at the White House these days. If we had an honest press, someone would be asking questions about that.

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