Why is CNN Doing Oppo Research Against Aaron Rodgers? Rodgers Responds

AP Photo/Matt Ludtke

CNN anchor Pamela Brown is offering up a story about Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers that will surely affect whether or not independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. chooses him as his running mate.


Rumors have spread for days that RFK, Jr. has decided on his pick for vice president. He declared he would make the official announcement in Oakland, California on March 26. Two names have surfaced - Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. 

It sounds like Kennedy is leaning toward Rodgers. Yesterday on Fox News Channel he pointed out that Rodgers is only 40 years old and could potentially pull in younger voters and other independents. Ventura is 72. Kennedy is 70. 

With all the talk of Rodgers, CNN anchor Pamela Brown weighed in with a story about him. She said she introduced herself to Rodgers in 2013 at the Kentucky Derby. 

CNN reporter Pamela Brown detailed an interaction she had with Rodgers in 2013. Brown recalled introducing herself to Rodgers while she was covering the Kentucky Derby for the news network. After learning she was a reporter, Rodgers began “attacking the news media for covering up important stories,” Brown and coauthor CNN anchor Jake Tapper wrote in an article Wednesday. Rodgers then claimed the Sandy Hook attack was an inside job orchestrated by the government.

Brown said she questioned Rodgers and asked him to present evidence the massacre — one of the worst mass shootings in American history — was staged.

“Rodgers began sharing various theories that have been disproven numerous times,” Brown’s story with Tapper read.

Hmm. Now why would Pamela Brown suddenly disclose this private conversation - not an interview - from 2013 that no one else can verify? It's a random story meant to interfere in a vice presidential selection, as I see it. 


Brown's article also included another anonymous story.

The piece Wednesday also includes another account from an anonymous person with a similar story, who recounted Rodgers telling them, “Sandy Hook never happened … All those children never existed. They were all actors.”

To be clear, I am not going to be voting for RFK, Jr. in November. My parents would roll over in their graves if I voted for a Kennedy, any Kennedy. RFK, Jr. has garnered some tentative support from some conservatives because of his attention to the Biden border crisis which includes trips to the border to see the catastrophe up close and speak with people on the border. 

Kennedy is a COVID-19 anti-vaxxer and that has turned the left away from him. They hate that he went rogue against others in the party and voiced his opposition to the vaccine, especially as the Biden administration pleaded with people to get vaccinated. In past years, Kennedy has connected vaccines to autism in children. 

Rodgers has received criticism over his anti-vax stance with the COVID-19 vaccine. He refused to take the vaccine and talked about it at the time. The left runs on groupthink and no one is allowed to question or speak out against an important matter. 

If chosen and he accepts, what does it do to his contract with the New York Jets? 

Democrats are worried about Kennedy's polling. He polls higher than any independent candidate in recent elections. Biden has worked diligently to keep him off the ballot. You know, while Biden's saving democracy. Biden has worked to keep both Kennedy and Trump off the ballot in November, which is banana republic-ish. 


Polls show Mr. Kennedy pulling roughly equal numbers of votes away from both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump — but Democrats are far more worried than Republicans that he could tilt a close election to Mr. Trump. Mr. Biden’s allies have been working to block Mr. Kennedy from the ballot across the country.

A majority of American voters do not want a re-match of 2020. Most voters think that Biden is too old and too riddled with dementia to carry out his job responsibilities. Trump is no spring chicken, either, at age 77. 

CNN ratings are not good, to put it charitably. Is this how the network is trying to correct that? CNN's new boss, Mark Thompson, is trying to turn things around. However, there are reports that the atmosphere is tense and staffers are restless. 

I have no way of knowing if this attack on Aaron Rodgers at this time is true or not. The only two people that have that information are Pamela Brown and Aaron Rodgers. If it is true, I can't imagine that Kennedy will choose him. I'm sure Kennedy's campaign has thoroughly vetted him. Kennedy said he speaks with him frequently. 

This attack looks like Biden panic playing out in the press. They will do all they can to re-elect Joe Biden. CNN and MSNBC have decided to not run most of Trump's speeches live because, they say, he lies too much. That's pretty rich, given the media's support of Joe Biden and the lack of fact-checks on his speeches. Biden lies every time he speaks. It may be some fantasy story about his life or it may be lies about his accomplishments in office. Biden has a problem with the truth. 


Is the story about Aaron Rodgers an opening salvo from cable news to help boost Biden? That's the question. 

Rodgers responded on social media. 

Who are you going to believe - a partisan cable news network or Rodgers? 

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