Hundreds of newspapers cancel 'Dilbert' comic strip, accuse Scott Adams of racism

(AP Photo/Peanuts Worldwide)

Is Scott Adams a racist? It is reported that “hundreds” of newspapers are pulling his ‘Dilbert’ comic strip in response to Adams’s remarks on social media. Adams was reacting to a Rasmussen poll at the time.


Many people say they want to hear the truth on any given subject but when the fact includes an opinion that may not sit well with others, a desire for truthful exchanges flies out the window. Everyone walks on eggshells these days, especially in discussions on race. The term racist is used entirely too much and the sting of being called a racist has been watered down. When everything is racist, nothing is racist.

This is the tweet that started the ball rolling:

The predictable happened:

Adams expected this reaction, he said and notes that most of his income will be gone by Monday. He said his reputation is gone and this is something a person can’t come back from.

Scott Adams didn’t go off into a corner and remain in the fetal position over the fall-out from his tweets. He’s standing up to the criticism and pushing back while acknowledging the consequences he faces. For that, I applaud him. I don’t think Adams is a racist. I think he’s a creative person who uses satire and parody in his work, mostly in tweaking the life of an office worker in the real world. He went too far, though, when he brought in the hate group mention. That’s what the left does. The left’s quick to call any group of people who are not aligned with them a hate group, especially white conservatives.


Adams has not lived as a racist, as far as I can tell. He worked to rebuild a 14-block area of Detroit to make the lives of its residents better. You can see the organization behind the project at

Others have weighed in with statistics on the racial divide in America.

The racial divide is real in America. Many groups, including the Democrat Party, thrive on that. Remember all the cries of Jim Crow 2.0 from Biden and other Democrats when the voting rights act House Democrats passed did not pass in the Senate? Biden went on a little tour of cities like Atlanta to stir the pot with his inciteful rhetoric. His latest insult is to say there are many white people who still enjoy watching lynchings today. Where are these lynchings? The truth is that there are none and Joe Biden is given a pass every time he says such crazy things. Remember when Biden told a predominantly black audience that Mitt Romney wanted to put them all back in chains during the 2012 election?

So, calling black Americans a hate group fanned the flames of anger. Suggesting white people get away from black people was also an unnecessary thing to say. Adams asks why anyone would want to be around people who do not respect them. That’s a legitimate question but that isn’t exactly what he said. He explains his move to a mostly white area and how he no longer sees the benefit in helping black Americans.


He sounds frustrated and a little defeated. It’s understandable. He does good work for a needy community in a dying city and all of that is overlooked to punish him for speaking his opinions on a poll. Welcome to 2023, though this kind of cancel culture has been going on for a while now. The newspapers who are yanking Dilbert comic strips from their newspapers can deny that they are canceling Scott Adams but what else would you call it?

Adams directs his fans to a site where they may be able to see his Dilbert comic strips:

The sad part is that there has been a lot of progress made in racial relations in my lifetime, I’ve seen it firsthand. I was born and raised in the Deep South. I remember when Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. I remember seeing “Whites Only” signs in some business windows and above water fountains. Our country has come a very long way since the days of my early childhood. Barack Obama was elected twice as our first bi-racial president. The first female vice president is biracial. Those are noteworthy milestones.


Race-baiters make careers out of stirring the pot. They can make a lot of money doing it – look at Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Black Lives Matter has been exposed as a grifting operation after raising millions of dollars and creating chaos and destruction in major cities across the country. Don’t you dare say All Lives Matter. Black people make up 13% of America’s population. You’d never know that to hear the grievance grifters. It’s easy to understand the frustration felt by Scott Adams.

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