Biden told a tall tale to veterans that his uncle "won" a Purple Heart but the story doesn't add up

(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Another public appearance, another whopper told by the president that leaves people scratching their heads, wondering why he keeps making up stories. Biden knows about the internet, right? Anything he says can be researched online and determined if it is true or false. Yet, he persists.


President Biden is in cognitive decline. That’s not a dig at his advanced age or his mental acuity, it’s just an undeniable fact. How can anyone watch the leader of the free world from day to day and not notice that his age has caught up with him? We all like to think we’re as we were when we were in our 20s or 30s because that’s often how we mentally think of ourselves. Then, eventually, reality catches up with us and we realize we’re not spring chickens anymore. It happens to everyone, it’s the natural progression of life. However, when a person is the president, these fabricated stories he keeps telling are a source of concern. If he is so easily confused about, say, events in his own life, how is he handling the problems our country faces?

Biden’s time in office, just two years, has given us crisis after crisis and it’s hard to not think that his mental ability, or lack thereof, is a part of the problem. He doesn’t know what is going on. He’s 80 years old. He should be entertaining his grandchildren with colorful stories instead of trying to pass them off on Americans as the truth. Take, for instance, his latest foray into fantasy land.

Joe Biden visited a Delaware National Guard facility named for his late son, Beau, to encourage veterans to take advantage of new healthcare opportunities under legislation that he signed in August. It is legislation brought about by Biden because he believes his son Beau’s brain cancer was caused by toxins he was exposed to by burn pits in Iraq. Beau served in the Delaware National Guard in Iraq and Joe often speaks as though he is a Gold Star father, which he is not. There is no proof that Joe’s suspicions are correct. It may be, but there is no evidence, at least at this point. We can chalk it up to Biden being a grieving father.


“It’s one of the most significant laws in our history to help millions of our veterans who are exposed to toxic substances during their military service,” he said.

The law, known as the PACT Act, helps veterans get screened for exposure to toxins. Those include Agent Orange, which was used for deforestation during the Vietnam War, and burn pits, where trash was destroyed on military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The administration has been hosting scores of events around the country to draw attention to the new benefits. More than 730,000 veterans have already received screenings, according to the White House.

Everything he does is historic, in his eyes. Bless his heart. There have been plenty of historic markers during this administration and most are not good – the rate of inflation, our lack of energy independence, high prices of food and essentials, supply chain shortages, baby formula shortages, and the disgrace of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. That brings us to Biden’s tall tales on Friday. To veterans.

Biden was doing some rewriting of history as he claimed to have visited Afghanistan and Iraq as many as 39 times. The true number is more like 21. Ok, maybe he was just doing a little innocent embellishment to boost his ego. Here’s the kicker – he claimed to have visited Afghanistan and Iraq “only twice as president.” Um…


On Friday, Biden’s remarks contained further inaccuracies as he told veterans that he had been ‘in and out of Afghanistan, Iraq, and those areas 38, 39 times as vice president, only twice as president.’

Biden has traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq many times, including to visit his son who was serving in Iraq, but he has never visited either country as president. The last time he was in Iraq appears to be in 2016. For Afghanistan, it was in 2011.

Several times this year, Biden has incorrectly claimed his son Beau Biden died in Iraq. Beau died from brain cancer in 2015 at the age of 46.

It’s a claim he has repeated in the past. During his first State of the Union address, Biden claimed to have been to both Iraq and Afghanistan ‘over 40 times,’ The actual number is closer to 21 some of which happened while he was still a U.S. senator from 1973 to 2009.

Joe Biden hasn’t even been to the southern border while president, much less Iraq or Afghanistan. He was too busy playing armchair general in September 2021, signing off on the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden also launched into a story about how he awarded his Uncle Frank Biden a Purple Heart for his service in World War II, though there is no record of Frank Biden receiving a Purple Heart.

“My dad, when I got elected vice president in 2008, he said, “Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.” He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge, but he said, “and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. He never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We will surprise him”‘, the president said during his remarks on Friday.

‘So I got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over the house and I came out and [my father] said, “Present it to him, okay?” We had the family there,’ Biden continued.

‘I said, “Uncle Frank, you’ve won this and I wanted to —” and he said, “I don’t want the damn thing.” No, I’m serious, he said, “I don’t want it.” I said, “What’s the matter, Uncle Frank? You earned it.” He said, “Yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.”‘


“Won” the Purple Heart is an odd way of describing heroic service in a war. Anyway, apparently that didn’t happen. Neither his obituary nor his gravestone notes a Purple Heart, though they do his military service.

The timeline makes the story likely not true, too. The New York Post reported that a registry of Purple Heart recipients does not include Frank Biden. There is no record of Joe Biden telling this story before Friday. The White House and the Department of Defense are not touching it, at least for now.

Biden’s father, Joseph R. Biden Sr., died in September 2002 — more than six years before his son was elected vice president. Frank Biden, Joe Sr.’s brother, died in 1999.

The White House did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. The Defense Department referred questions to the Army — the military branch in which Frank Biden served — but the Army did not immediately respond.

Oh, well. Another day, another Biden stroll down memory lane.

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