Issa: Pregnant California woman beaten by Taliban is now out of Afghanistan, on her way home

(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Individual members of Congress are continuing to do the work that Joe Biden refuses to do. The latest example is a good news story that Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican from California, was able to get a pregnant young California woman out of Afghanistan. Issa announced her escape on Friday.


Any story of the successful evacuation of Americans in Afghanistan or American helpers left behind by the inept and callous Biden administration is welcome news. In this case, 25-year-old Nasria was left behind during the American evacuation in Kabul. When she went to the gate at the airport in Kabul to evacuate, she was harassed and beaten by the Taliban, including a kick to her pregnant belly, according to Issa. Issa’s office was contacted in August and he has been fighting to get Nasria, her husband, and her father out of Afghanistan ever since. Nasria is headed home but her husband, who she married in Afghanistan, is not out yet.

Further details of how she escaped have not been shared, and it is unclear when she will make it back to the United States.

Issa first heard of the 25-year-old’s plight to flee Afghanistan through friends who contacted his office, FOX 5 reported.

‘The congressman and his team immediately established communication channels with Nasria and began coordinating her safe return,’ Issa said in his news release.

‘Weeks of work and countless hours of coordination paid off,’ the release said.

Issa previously tweeted that Nasria had ‘braved beatings and harassment by the Taliban trying to get past their checkpoints to return to the US.’

Nasria is one of the hundreds of Americans and Afghan helpers left behind by Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. She, her husband, and her father made several trips to the gates of the airport yet were unsuccessful in getting past the Taliban forces. Some friends contacted Issa’s office and he began working on securing her freedom. Nasria was advised to shelter in place and remain hidden. She relied on friends to bring her food and keep her secret until she escaped.


Earlier this month, Nasria spoke to Voice of America, claiming at the time that Taliban fighters were “hunting Americans” since U.S. troops left the country.

“Apparently they’re going door-to-door … trying to see if anybody has a blue passport,” Nasria told the outlet.

Nasria and her husband made attempts to leave Afghanistan via the chaotic airport in Kabul earlier this month but were unable to board a flight, she said.

“It was so hard to get on a flight,” she told Voice of America. “There were a couple of days where we had to sleep on streets. People were literally stepping over people. That’s how bad it was.”

The elderly couple from San Diego Issa referenced in the link above, who are in their 80s, are also on their way home, thanks to Issa’s office. Issa announced that on Wednesday. He has facilitated the return of 33 San Diegans since they were left behind in Kabul. The couple has also been harassed and abused by the Taliban.

“This is a cause for celebration and the result of almost countless hours of work under very difficult conditions,” Issa said in the release posted to his website. “Our team simply would not give up, and today it paid off and we got them home. While we have made extraordinary progress, but we’re not stopping until everyone comes home.”

The names of the couple, both in their 80s, were being withheld because of safety concerns since they still have family in Afghanistan, according to his office.

Issa’s office began helping the couple logistically after their granddaughter, Zuhal, contacted his office to tell him they had been repeatedly stopped by the Taliban at airport checkpoints for weeks. Her last name was also withheld for safety reasons.

His office didn’t detail how the couple got out of the country.


A chartered plane from Afghanistan landed in Qatar on Friday though it is not clear if Nasria or the San Diego couple were on board that flight. A Qatari convoy escorted an unspecified number of American citizens and other civilians safely to the airport. Passengers on the plane included nationals from the UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Croatia. U.S. special envoy Zalmai Khalilzad had the cojones to boast of the escape of more Americans, saying he is “grateful that more Americans were able to leave today on a Qatar Airways flight.” “As President Biden said, there is no deadline for Americans remaining in Afghanistan,” the envoy added. “We remain committed to get them out if they want to come home.” Take a seat, Zalmai. No one at this point even believes that Biden has any idea of what is going on in Afghanistan or the efforts of members of Congress to get Americans out of that country.

We’ll take the good news stories when we get them. Good work, Rep. Issa and staff. In the meantime, Biden and his administration have not been held accountable for the humanitarian crisis they created in Kabul. No one has been fired or resigned. The State Department isn’t even able to confirm how many Americans and Afghan helpers are still stranded in Afghanistan. The incompetence and callousness of this administration are breathtaking.


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