Woke Prince Harry and Meghan get out the vote for Biden, Trump responds perfectly

The woke royals are living large in California, doing all the woke celebrity things like asking Americans to get out and vote. Though Prince Harry and Meghan didn’t specifically name-check Joe Biden, the implication is clear. The bad Orange Man must go.


Their contempt for President Trump is nothing new, mind you, but it takes a certain kind of hubris to enter the fray as the presidential election grows closer. Meghan is an American so it isn’t so unusual for her to weigh in against Trump, as she has done in past remarks before and since joining the royal family. Prince Harry, though, is another matter. The royal family is supposed to steer clear of their own politics, much less American politics. We fought a war over this and America won.

Meghan can vote in the November election but Prince Harry, of course, can not. Nonetheless, both appeared in a video that aired on ABC. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex participated in 2020 TIME 100, TIME’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people. It aired on Tuesday, National Voter Registration Day. Markle has worked to get out the vote in the past month. Usually, the two are speaking out about climate change or racism.

“Every four years we are told the same thing, that this is the most important election of our lifetime,” Markle said. “But this one is. When we vote, our values are put into action and our voices are heard. Your voice is a reminder that you matter, because you do and you deserve to be heard.”

Markle even did some cold calling of voters last summer with Gloria Steinem.


Over the summer, Markle cold called members of the U.S. electorate with Gloria Steinem and encouraged them to vote. “We sat at the dining room table where I am right now,” Steinem told Access Hollywood. “And cold-called voters and said ‘Hello, I’m Meg’ and ‘Hello, I’m Gloria’ and ‘Are you going to vote?’ That was her initiative.” Markle and Steinem had earlier in the day discussed the link between representation and voting for Makers.

Meghan will make history as the first member of the British royal family to vote in America. She sounds as though she wants to be all things to all people.

In August, Markle shared a statement with Marie Claire about why she’s planning on voting in the 2020 election. “I know what it’s like to have a voice, and also what it’s like to feel voiceless,” she said. “I also know that so many men and women have put their lives on the line for us to be heard. And that opportunity, that fundamental right, is in our ability to exercise our right to vote and to make all of our voices heard.”

Super-woke Harry whined about not being allowed to vote in England or the U.S. while he virtue-signaled about good and evil. It’s all a bit much, if you ask me.

“When the bad outweighs the good, for many, whether we realize it or not, it erodes our ability to have compassion and our ability to put ourself in someone else’s shoes. Because when one person buys into negativity online, the effects are felt exponentially. It’s time to not only reflect, but act,” he said. “As we approach this November, it’s vital that we reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity.”


During his White House press briefing Wednesday, President Trump was asked about Harry and Meghan’s not so veiled endorsement of Joe Biden. He gave the perfect answer – he’s not a fan of Meghan’s and wished Harry luck in his life with her.

Before he was elected in 2016, Meghan actively campaigned for Hillary and took shots at Trump in the media. She called him a misogynist on The Night Show With Larry Wilmore. No love is lost between the two. Trump called Meghan a “nasty woman” before going to the U.K. for a visit with the royals. Meghan wasn’t participating in a formal reception for Trump and Melania, though, as she was conveniently on maternity leave. He referred to the couple as “rogue royals” when they announced their relocation to California.


Let’s be honest, these two are spoiled brats, emboldened by slobbering coverage by the American media because they trash Trump. They are desperate to be relevant. Their 15 minutes may be up, though, once another president is inaugurated, whether it is in 2021 or 2025. They won’t be useful idiots for the Democrats anymore – they’ll just be run-of-the-mill left coast liberals. Until then, they have their sweet deal with Netflix and Meghan can hang with her new bff, Michelle Obama.

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