Nation's largest union endorses Biden, surprising absolutely no one

The National Education Association (NEA) endorsed Joe Biden for president. The nation’s largest labor union was never going to endorse anyone else but Joe Biden so finally coming out and doing so isn’t exactly a surprise announcement. There is also the fact that a very high profile public figure is a member of the union – Jill Biden, wife of sleepy Joe.


Last month the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the other teachers union, took a cowardly approach and endorsed three top candidates at the time – Biden, Sanders, and Warren. Then as Warren’s campaign was flaming out, the president of the ATF decided to go rogue and endorse Elizabeth Warren as the Massachusetts primary approached. The NEA held off with their endorsement.

Now the NEA is ready to “use its power” and get good old Joe elected.

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the 3 million-member teachers’ union, made the announcement just days before Florida and other key states hold primaries in which Biden faces off with his main rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and a day before the two men are set to debate.

Eskelsen García, who had earlier that she would wait to endorse to see who had the ability to attract voters, made the announcement not long after Biden’s seemingly stalled campaign got a huge and surprising boost in Super Tuesday races in early March.

“He understands that as a nation we have a moral responsibility to provide a great neighborhood public school for every student in every Zip code,” Eskelsen García said, noting that Biden’s wife, educator Jill Biden, is an NEA member.

“With so much at stake in this election, educators are determined to use their voice to propel Joe Biden to the White House,” she said.


The socialists in the teachers union aren’t happy. They are ready to rumble for Bernie. The NEA is ready to end the primary race between the two men, though, and concentrate on helping secure a Biden victory in November against the bad Orange Man.

Eskelsen Garcia said Biden is “pledging to build the best, most innovative schools in the country, especially in low-income communities where the need is the highest.” Hmm. Did I miss all that great innovation during the Obama-Biden administration? Shouldn’t Status Quo Joe have already done all that good stuff during his 40 years in public service? What the Obama-Biden administration offered was Race to the Top, a $4.35 billion United States Department of Education grant created to encourage and reward innovation and reforms in state and local district K-12 education. How did that multi-billion taxpayer-funded experiment work out? It was a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which was a hugely expensive government bail-out at the time. Race to the Top came on the heels of the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind, also a failed big government solution to local education systems.


Swamp Democrats are desperate for Joe Biden to win the Democrat primary. The teacher unions will all fall into line and put their millions of dollars from union coffers behind Joe. Should he be elected in November, Dr. Jill can come up with her very own multi-billion-dollar plan to bail out failing school systems from Washington, D.C. because doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity. When it comes to big government solutions, Democrats are insane. Status Quo Joe will be happy to rubber stamp anything the unions want and school children across America will be no better off.

It is not a lack of federal funding that is causing America’s schools to fail. Government funding for schools continues to rise every year. Unions are more interested in protecting their members than educating children. If the union was truly interested in innovation and improving schools they would allow school choice to actually become a thing. Charter schools – public schools that partner up with the private sector – are a good beginning. The best choices for schools are made at the local level where the needs of the children are best known, not a one-size-fits-all approach from Washington, D.C.


Joe’s ready to be hair-sniffer-in-chief. Eskelsen Garcia boasted of the high level of participation teachers produce in elections, with a voting rate of over 90%. He issued a statement to thank the NEA.

“I am honored to have the support of the National Education Association — not only America’s biggest union, but a preeminent and powerful voice for public school educators and students across the country” Biden said.

“I know what it’s like to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with a teacher — I’ve been doing it almost my whole life. That’s why I will continue to stand with educators every day on the campaign trail and in the White House. Together, we are going to beat Trump, replace Betsy Devos, and appoint a Secretary of Education that parents, students, and educators deserve: someone who has worked in a public school classroom,” he continued.


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David Strom 6:00 PM | March 28, 2025