Stacey Abrams: Trump's a racist, may run in 2020 Democratic primary

That anti-hate resolution has really worked wonders on political discourse, especially on the left, hasn’t it? Between Rep. Omar referring to President Trump as “not human” and Speaker Pelosi saying he’s “not worth” an impeachment battle, well, the resolution has proven to be as worthless as conservatives said it would be all along. Another ugly character hit came from failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams last weekend at SXSW in Austin. During an interview, Abrams spewed out all the usual nasty labels when she was asked if Trump’s a racist.


“I think he’s racist, I think he’s xenophobic, I think he’s homophobic. I think he has disdain for anything that he considers different than the norm,” Abrams said. She also called Trump a “bully” but said she doesn’t think Democrats would defeat him next year by adopting similar tactics.

“I think beating Donald Trump is the wrong mission. When you’re focused on your enemy then you are ignoring your allies,” Abrams said.

What a boring screed. Is this the best she can do? And then to say “beating Donald Trump is the wrong mission” as though it’s not the only goal in 2020 is just laughable. Of course, it’s the only goal. Then, when asked about her own 2020 aspirations she stayed with her decision to make an announcement of her intentions in late March or early April. First, she said this:

“My task is to make certain that a Democrat is elected not only to the White House but that we have a Democratic majority in the Senate and a Democratic majority in Congress,” Abrams said.

Then a bit of confusion arose. Apparently, she didn’t really mean to imply that she isn’t going to jump into the field in 2020. She is promoting her book, you see, and she referenced something she wrote in it when asked about 2020. She spoke of a spreadsheet of “all the jobs” she wants to do to prepare for a potential presidential run which she didn’t see completing before 2028. Well, ok. Some experience is a reasonable way to prepare. So she left the audience with the impression that 2028 is her timeline after the interview.


Abrams, in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas, referred to a quote from her book where she said she keeps a spreadsheet to document her goals.

“In the spreadsheet with all the jobs I wanted to do, 2028 would be the earliest I would be ready to stand for president because I would have done the work I thought necessary to be effective in that job,” Abrams said.

But then she tweeted a disclaimer. 2020 isn’t really off the table. She was talking about an old timeline, you know. “Life comes at you fast.” What? Never mind. She might do it anyway.

Perhaps she is revealing that her run for president would be all about race and substance would be a secondary thing. That would not necessarily be a stretch from a candidate that has been playing the victim of voter suppression since her loss to a white male Republican in Georgia. The party of identity politics is certainly consistant in the tropes it chooses to promote. Hillary Clinton even randomly implied it was voter suppression that caused her defeat in 2016 during her remarks at the Black Sunday commemoration. It’s the new hot excuse for losers.


“I need women of color, particularly black women, to understand that our achievements should not be diminished,” Abrams said.

Kamala Harris, call your office. If Abrams is so concerned about black women running for President, all she has to do is look at Harris, who is off to a strong start. Does Stacey Abrams really think she would be a strong alternative? Maybe she does but let’s face it – this is all about raising her own national profile. The Democrats called upon her to deliver one of the many Democrat responses to the State of the Union address and stories have surfaced that Chuck Schumer has been encouraging Abrams to run against Senator Perdue for that senate seat. And of course, there’s always the consideration for a vice-presidential bid. Meanwhile, she has a book to sell.

SXSW has become a liberal wonderland for Democratic politicians. They now flock to the festival whether a presidential election is on the horizon or not. Looks like Stacey Abrams wanted to cash in on that this year, too.

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