Squad Member Cori Bush Still Not Sure if Hamas is a Terrorist Group

AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades

The primary election for Rep. Cori Bush's seat is being held tomorrow and it looks like she's in trouble. Just like fellow squad member Jamaal Bowman, Bush made herself a target with her extreme anti-Israel views. As a result, millions have been poured into a campaign to take her down.


In Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, the pro-Israel lobby is pouring millions into a campaign to unseat Bush as part of a broader, well-funded effort to replace critics of the Israeli government and the war in Gaza, such as Bush, with more Israel-friendly Democrats. Outside groups have already spent over $15 million in this race, according to Open Secrets, a Washington nonprofit that tracks campaign finance and lobbying data. More than 80 percent of that money has gone toward ads opposing Bush and supporting her opponent.

A prominent member of the Squad of far-left Democrats, Bush was the first member of Congress to call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, nine days after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. She has described Israel’s subsequent invasion of Gaza — which, according to the Gaza health ministry, has killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians — as a genocide.

Unlike Bowman, who tried to tone down some of his extremism prior to the primary, Bush is not backing down at all. In fact, she's still not sure Hamas is really a terrorist group and seems to identify with them. A spokesperson later tried to walk that back but why bother?

Standing outside an early voting location at a public library in Ferguson, on the same streets where she led protests for racial justice in 2014, Ms. Bush declined to call Hamas a terrorist group.

“We were called terrorists during Ferguson,” she said of herself and other Black activists who took to the streets after the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed Black teenager, by a white police officer. “Have they hurt people? Absolutely. Has the Israeli military hurt people? Absolutely.”...

“Would they qualify to me as a terrorist organization? Yes. But do I know that? Absolutely not,” Ms. Bush said. “I have no communication with them. All I know is that we were considered terrorists, we were considered Black identity extremists and all we were doing was trying to get peace. I’m not trying to compare us, but that taught me to be careful about labeling if I don’t know.”

Later, a spokeswoman for Ms. Bush sought to walk back her comments. “The congresswoman knows Hamas is a terrorist organization,” the spokeswoman, Marina Chafa, said. The issue, she added, was that the term had been “weaponized by the far right consistently to justify violence and in this instance, the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”


Contrary to what the spokesperson said later, I don't think Rep. Bush knows Hamas is a terrorist group. And since she brought it up, the idea that all the Ferguson protesters wanted was peace is also pretty absurd. What they wanted was to see a white police officer sent to prison for defending himself against Michael Brown. That didn't happen because the Obama Justice Department released a detailed investigation which largely sided with Officer Darren Wilson's account of what happened that day.

Despite this, Cori Bush's role as a protester in Feguson is clearly the thing she is leaning on to try to save her seat. Just over a week ago she released a video featuring Michael Brown's father and sister denouncing her challenger, Wesley Bell, for failing to bring charges for the "murder" of his son.

This is all ancient history at this point, but it's worth noting for posterity that nobody murdered Michael Brown. He was shot after fighting with a police officer for his gun and then moments later turning and charging at that officer in the street. Had he not done those things, he would not have been shot and killed.

Despite the evidence to the contrary, leftist Democrats including Kamala Harris have referred to the shooting as a "murder" even years after the facts were known.


Both the Washington Post fact-checker and Vox called this claim a lie, but it still gets made occasionally by leftists who like the mythic stories about Michael Brown better than the reality. 

Last week, the Intercept also ran a story trying to frame Wesley Bell, Bush's primary opponent, as soft on white supremacy for, get this, suggesting people needed to hear both sides of the story before reaching a decision about what happened to Michael Brown.

Bell, who was serving as a municipal court judge and community college professor at the time, said he hoped Brown’s killing would “wake some people up” to get Black residents more engaged in their community and that the real “tragedy” of the situation was that the prosecutors hadn’t shared Wilson’s side of the story with the public, which was fomenting distrust in the process. 

In Bell’s opinion, not releasing evidence that spoke to “the officer’s side of the story” was a mistake on the part of the prosecution. “To me that’s the tragedy of it — is that months later, I can’t even tell you whether I believe the officer should be indicted or not, because I don’t have the evidence,” Bell said.


Most people will have forgotten but for weeks there were all sorts of tall tales about Michael Brown's death, including the claim that he'd raised his hands in surrender just before he was shot. That claim lead to the BLM chant "Hands up, don't shoot," but the evidence from eyewitnesses suggested it never happened.

I guess the point here is that Cori Bush doesn't have a lot going for her at this point except to remind people of her role in the Ferguson protests, even as she downplays Hamas' crimes. Today, other members of the squad are making a last ditch attempt to save her.

Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), and Summer Lee (D-Pa.) are poised to stump for Bush (D-Mo.) in a virtual rally early Monday evening.

“We have just ONE DAY ahead of us before primary Election Day. Come join Cori & some very special guests on Election Day eve to rally together and get out the vote!” Bush posted on Instagram.

Hopefully, that effort won't be enough. We should know tomorrow night.

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