Anonymous Twitter users are embarrassing the PRC by translating what appears on Chinese social media

They call themselves the Great Translation Movement but for obvious reasons they’d like to keep their identities anonymous. Still, they do seem to be getting some attention both outside China and within it where they are being criticized by state media as troublemakers working with foreign instigators.


The idea behind this is simple. Take some of the extreme sentiments that routinely appear on Chinese social media, translate them and post them on Twitter so the rest of the world can see what’s going on inside the Great Firewall of China.

Scores of screen-grabbed posts from China’s most popular social media platforms have been translated and shared on Twitter in recent weeks, offering Western audiences a rare glimpse into the Chinese internet.

Among those posts: a prominent military blog falsely claiming a Russian attack on a train station in Kramatorsk was actually carried out by Ukraine, a well known media commentator dismissing the atrocities in Bucha, and a vlogger with hundreds of thousands of followers using a misogynistic term for Ukraine.

The posts appear courtesy of anonymous Twitter users who say their aim is to expose Western audiences to the true extent of pro-Russian or nationalistic content on China’s heavily censored platforms…

China’s state media has lashed out against what it decries as “cherry picked content.” The overseas arm of the People’s Daily — the mouthpiece of China’s ruling Communist Party — has claimed the translators behind the movement are guilty of attributing the “extreme remarks” of some netizens to the “whole country.”


Any time an autocracy accuses someone of being unfair, it’s because they’ve clearly touched a nerve. The unnamed administrator of the Great Translation Movement account on Twitter told CNN, “We want the outside world to at least know what is going on inside, because we don’t think there could be any change made from inside.” Looking at some of their recent content it’s not hard to see why the PRC is eager to denounce them. Here’s a recent one about China trying its best to control the narrative about Shanghai lockdowns.

Then there’s this creepy communist indoctrination video.


Or this creepy communist propaganda video.

Or these creepy banners hung up in Beijing.

They’ve also been translating things like this letter from someone facing food shortages in Shanghai. This is written by someone who is clearly not trying to claim everyone in Shanghai is starving but he’s saying that many people are and that if even 1% of the population are in that situation it’s hundreds of thousands of people who are running out of food.

But a lot of the content is just translations of things people are saying on social media, noting how many likes some of the obnoxious comments get. For instance, this video suggesting the USA needs to be destroyed to save the world.


For bringing stuff like this to light outside China, state media is on the attack. Here’s a piece published by the Global Times two weeks ago.

In the West, there was a time when witch hunts prevailed. Senator Joseph McCarthy led the communist witch hunts in the 1950s. The movement targeted some groups of people specifically, labeled them as bad, and then attacked them. Now the “Great Translation Movement” is using the same strategy.

Translation is supposed to be a bridge for communication, but the “Great Translation Movement” is using it in a distorted and purposeful way. The participants of this co-called movement are those unfriendly or even hostile toward China with the simple purpose of creating more waves of anti-China sentiment. And by magnifying some marginal, extreme viewpoints of the Chinese netizens, these people attempt to solidify other nations’ biased perceptions of China…

Behind the “Great Translation Movement,” are some Chinese citizens that vent their frustration online, and some foreign hostile forces that hide their true identity to deliberately spread hatred against China and its people. In the face of that, we need to strengthen the management of the internet by legal regulations. Through measures such as real-name registration and IP tracking, we can unmask who’s really behind these forces.


So the problem isn’t that 100,000 people liked a video saying the US should be destroyed. The problem is that someone highlighted the fact on Twitter. But with even more stringent internet regulations the CCP hopes to stop that happening in the future.

The real problem here is that the CCP has created millions of online “little pinks” and “wolf warriors” who’ve been taught to be eager for confrontation with the west. Despite having created this monster China now wants to pretend like it doesn’t exist and it will do what it can to silence anyone who points it out.

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