Poll: AOC popular in her district but her constituents still wish Amazon would come back to New York

Siena College Research Institute published a poll today which shows Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pretty well liked in her home district where voters support most of her far-left policy ideas, though support for her signature resolution, the Green New Deal, isn’t as high.


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a positive 52-33 percent favorability rating among voters of her district nearly three months into her first term in Congress, and 48 percent of all voters and 61 percent of Democrats would vote to re-elect Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 while 39 percent would prefer someone else, according to a new Siena College poll of New York CD 14 registered voters released today…

When it comes to politics, only 25 percent of voters in Ocasio-Cortez’s district would describe themselves as a Democratic Socialist while 70 percent prefer describing themselves in ‘some other way.’ Still, overwhelming majorities are in favor of Medicare for all, free tuition at public universities across the country, a federal guarantee of a job that pays a living wage, banning assault weapons and taxing incomes above $10 million at rates of 60 percent or more. The Green New Deal garners the support of 41 percent of Ocasio-Cortez’s constituents with 20 opposed and 38 percent indicating that they don’t know enough about it.

I almost laughed at the phrasing in that second paragraph. Only 25 percent of voters are Democratic Socialists? That seems like a pretty significant number for what is a fringe party in the U.S. Given how far people in her district seem willing to go with things like a job guarantee, it’s a bit surprising that the Green New Deal is only at 41 percent support. What are the 38 percent who “don’t know enough” waiting to hear?


But if AOC’s Democratic Socialist politics are popular it seems a majority of people still think big business and capitalism have their place. A majority of respondents in her district supported the Amazon deal and 58 percent still wish Amazon would come back:

“The district breaks with Ocasio-Cortez on the Amazon deal. Fifty-seven percent say that Amazon canceling was bad for New York and 58 percent would like the deal revived. Even in the Queens area of the district, over half say losing the deal was bad and 54 percent would like it revived,” Levy said.

Now I guess we know why AOC claimed it was unfair to blame her for the Amazon pull out. She must have seen some polling that showed it wasn’t popular even among her left-wing base. Frankly, I have zero sympathy for the voters in her district who are disappointed by the loss of all those jobs. If you elect a 29-year-old socialist know-it-all, anti-business posturing is part of the package. Remember, she was thrilled about the collapse of the Amazon deal. It was a defeat for “corporate greed”:


Also remember, AOC believed the $3 billion in subsidies could be spent elsewhere if it weren’t spent on the Amazon deal. Even fellow socialist Bill de Blasio thought that was embarrassing. So here’s what I would say to all the voters in NY 14 who think AOC is great but wish Amazon would come back: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Just keep electing the socialist who promises free everything while the actual jobs flee the state. It’s a great plan that no one has ever tried before. Give this approach another decade to work and you’ll be thrilled with the results.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024