Did hackers post this image of John McCain as the Va Tech shooter on Joy Reid's blog? (Update: Meghan McCain responds)

Joy Reid’s old blog has dropped enough shoes to qualify as a centipede getting ready for bed. Just this morning Ed wrote about Reid’s support for the 9/11 Truther documentary Loose Change. As Ed mentioned, that position wasn’t actually that extreme at the time. A lot of Democrats believed President Bush knew about the attacks in advance. Nevertheless, the beat goes on this afternoon as Buzzfeed uncovers another embarrassing gem from Reid’s old blog:


MSNBC host Joy Reid’s new-defunct blog published an image of Senator John McCain’s head photoshopped onto the body of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho, according to a newly discovered post reviewed by BuzzFeed News.

The October 2007 post, titled “Baghdad John Strikes Again,” discusses then-GOP Presidential nominee John McCain’s infamous claim that he would “follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell.” The image appears at the end of the post, which was apparently penned by Reid…

It’s unclear from the post if the photoshopped image was created by Reid, shared by her from another source, or inserted by a hacker. Reverse image searches of the photo on Google and TinEye yielded no previously published matches elsewhere.

Here’s a screengrab of the blog post:

Of course, there’s a hypocrisy angle here too. Reid has (more recently) knocked Trump for demeaning McCain:

I’m sure we’re all looking forward to Reid’s explanation for the image. Was it the hackers again or will Reid claim ownership this time? Today is probably not the best day to claim “It was a just a bad joke” even if that’s the case. The point, which even some at CNN are willing to acknowledge is the glaring double-standard which seems to be in play. Meanwhile, as the pressure continues to mount, MSNBC is saying nothing. From Politico:


The pressure on Reid ramped up this week on Wednesday, when BuzzFeed surfaced old blog posts in which she promoted conspiracy theories suggesting that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job. Carlson brought her immigration posts to light that evening, and then, on Thursday, Buzzfeed found another post in which Reid appeared to photoshop John McCain’s head on the body of the Virginia Tech shooter. All of this comes a month after Reid claimed that hackers had infiltrated her now defunct blog to insert anti-gay posts.

On Thursday, MSNBC continued to refuse to comment on the host’s situation, as it has since she made her initial hacking claims in April.

Reid hosts a two-hour show on MSNBC on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but offers commentary throughout the week. On Tuesday, she co-hosted a high-profile townhall on race on the network. Valerie Jarrett was slated to appear at the townhall—where she made her first comments on Barr’s racist tweet about her—and Reid’s prominent role seemed another signal that MSNBC is standing behind her.

Of course, what Reid did on her old blog may or may not be as offensive as what Roseanne or Samantha Bee said. But at least Roseanne and Bee took ownership of the horrible things they said and apologized. In contrast, Reid invented an entire story about time-traveling hackers and, even once that fell apart, she never really admitted she was responsible.


On top of all that (or perhaps partly because of it), Reid also has terrible ratings. Usually this combination would result in a firing but, again, MSNBC is silently supporting her for some reason. Why does Joy Reid still have a job at this point? It really is a mystery.

Update: Meghan McCain trashes Reid’s (or was it the hacker’s) Photoshop work:

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