Ex-Baltimore State's Attorney Leniency Request Denied

AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File

Fate is fickle, or so the saying goes. That may be true for almost nobody in American politics as much as former Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby. One day, not all that long ago, she was riding on top of the world. She had become famous (infamous?) for her handling of the Freddie Gray riots and her attempts to prosecute the police who arrested Gray rather than the criminals who started the riots. She was married to the upcoming President of the City Council and saw herself as next in line to be Mayor. Then things all began to fall apart. People began noticing that suspicious amounts of public funding had been mysteriously disappearing on her watch. Investigations were opened and before you knew it, she was facing charges in court which eventually took her down.


After being found guilty of embezzlement and fraud, she was eventually sentenced to house arrest and probation. Most recently, her attorneys asked the judge to alter the order, allowing her to have a curfew rather than full home detention. But now even that request has been denied. Apparently, the judge didn't find her explanation plausible enough to believe. (CBS News)

A judge rejected former Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's request that would allow her to leave her home for a new job.

She was sentenced in May to three years of supervised release, 12 months of home confinement, and ordered to perform 100 hours of community service after she was convicted in her perjury and mortgage fraud trials.   

Mosby's lawyers say she needs to go across Maryland for work. They suggested that her one-year home detention sentence be replaced with a 9 p.m. curfew.

Her attorneys say employment is a commonly granted exemption in similar cases. The judge said Mosby's lawyers had not provided requested details about the new job.

Mosby continues to set herself up for one failure after another. That marriage to a high-profile Baltimore politico fell apart. There is probably a lesson to be had there about rats and sinking ships. She was still even being nominated for a seat on the DNC, which also failed to happen. Even after the conviction, there were rumors (likely started by Mosby herself) that Joe Biden might pardon her, but that didn't happen either. 


Now her request to have her home detention switched to a 9 pm curfew has been shot down. Why do you suppose that happened? The judge didn't find her request regarding a job to be plausible. Particularly in such a high-profile case they could have found someone to go investigate that job offer. If they were unable to find sufficient proof, that's almost certainly because there never was any real job. She made up the story and expected everyone to simply believe it as they would have in the "good old days." But that seems to have been the story of this prominent Baltimore Democrat's life. It was a series of schemes, one after another and she always felt as if the system owed it to her support her ambitions.

How many more stories are there like this one filling the annals of Charm City? There certainly seem to be plenty. But as we've long pointed out here, as long as the voters of Baltimore keep sending the same pack of corrupt actors back to office over and over again, there will be no end to the city's history of corruption. And that's simply a shame.

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