
It's clear. People aren't buying the Biden Inc. denials

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The situation has been dragging on for most of the year, ever since the new GOP House majority was seated. Investigations into the weaponization and politicization of the government have turned up one damning story after another about the Bidens, both Joe and Hunter. But finding any mention of these revelations anywhere on cable news aside from Fox and NewsNation is generally tougher than locating hens’ teeth. There is similarly scant coverage in newspapers aside from the New York Post. And yet somehow the word seems to be slowly getting around. A new poll from Rasmussen Reports refers to the whole affair as “Bidengate.” American voters are increasingly aware of what’s been revealed and the majority of them are not buying Joe Biden’s repeated denials at all.

President Joe Biden last week once again denied being involved in his son Hunter’s business deals with foreigners, but a majority of voters still suspect he was.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 58% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is likely the president was involved in Hunter’s foreign business deals, including 44% who believe it’s Very Likely he was involved. Thirty-three percent (33%) say it’s not likely Biden was involved in his son’s business deals, including 19% who think it is Not At All Likely. Another 10% are not sure.

So nearly sixty percent of respondents found it very or at least somewhat likely that Joe Biden was “involved” in his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings. The actual question they asked was, “How likely is it that Joe Biden was involved in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals?” I’m frankly shocked that the number wasn’t considerably higher.

Or at least I would have been shocked were it not for the scandalous performance of the majority of the MSM through all of this. This whole mess is what led me to briefly lose my cool back in May and publish a lengthy screed declaring that the legacy media isn’t just biased. It’s flatly corrupt. Most MSM outlets have continued to largely ignore the story and the ones who mention it frequently downplay it, saying there just isn’t enough “proof” and it’s probably not such a big deal.

How many more breadcrumbs do you need to find before you deem this a trail worth following? What public official (or their family member) sets up such a massive chain of unrelated LLCs serving no apparent purpose other than funneling money from bad actors in adversarial nations to the accounts of up to a dozen of Joe Biden’s family members? There simply is no other plausible description for that than money laundering. And we now further know that Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on millions of dollars from those illicit funds and the IRS allowed the statute of limitations to run out without prosecuting him.

So, was Joe Biden “involved” in Hunter’s business arrangements? He was far more than involved. He was the product that Hunter was promising. We know that because Hunter had absolutely nothing else to offer other than access to his father. If even a quarter of the activities that the House committees have uncovered thus far are fully verified (and we seem to be very close to that point now), Bidengate should be bigger than Watergate by several orders of magnitude. And it should be absolutely disqualifying in terms of Joe Biden spending any more time in the Oval Office.

But I can assure you that there are more than a few of us who suspect that this will have a minimal impact (if any) on voting patterns in the 2024 election. The usual suspects will continue to run interference for the Bidens and any other Democrats in their orbit. They will do their best to minimize and distort coverage of these stories, playing it all down as “revenge politics” by the GOP. And the tragic part is that those tricks have worked for them before and they very well might again.

But at the same time, these numbers from Rasmussen give me at least some sense of hope, even if it’s foolish. People will continue to vote as they always have in too many cases if the primary concern being debated centers on a policy disagreement. But this is something different. This is corruption and it’s about the ability of the rich and powerful to get away with things that none of the rest of us could ever pull off without spending time behind bars. It’s unfair, and I still believe that most Americans regardless of party affiliation care about fairness and equal treatment, including equal opportunity. Prove me right just this one time, America. You’re slowly waking up to what’s actually been going on and what the man behind the curtain has been doing. You deserve better. We all do.

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