Sanitary towel-maker forced to ditch Venus logo for being too female

Really? Do we have to go there? Apparently so… #sigh.

Procter & Gamble is the parent company that produces the Always brand line of feminine hygiene products. (You’ve probably seen the advertisements on television, even if you’re a dude.) Some of their packaging for sanitary napkins includes a “venus” symbol of femininity. It’s the one with what appears to be a cross with a circle on top, frequently seen on some women’s restroom doors. And considering the nature of the product (based on what very little I know of the subject) that’s probably not surprising, right?


Perhaps not surprising, but still offensive apparently. At least to some in the transgender community who insist that there are still “men” out there who use these products. You know… because they were born as women and need them. So outraged complaints were hurled on social media. To make a long and uncomfortable story short, P&G caved almost immediately and will be removing the symbol from their packaging. (Daily Mail)

The maker of Always sanitary pads has given in to claims of discrimination by transgender men and removed the ‘Venus’ symbol of the female sex from the wrapping.

Outraged women are now boycotting the leading brand after the decision by makers Procter & Gamble (P&G) to kowtow to trans activists who were born female and still use sanitary products.

Last night, feminists warned that the concession is a chilling move towards the ‘elimination of women’s biology’.

So it’s come to this. A leading manufacturer of feminine hygiene products is taking the symbol for females off its packaging. Just let that sink in for a moment. The trans mafia has basically declared war on common sense.


To add even more spice for the goose, there is now an online battle raging in England between feminists (actual women) and trans activists. One “radical feminist writer,” Julie Bindel, issued the following statement: “Removing the female symbol from sanitary towel packaging is basically denying the existence of women. We’re now moving towards the total elimination of women’s biology. The women’s symbol has been used by feminists for decades. This is pure cowardice and virtue signaling from these big corporate brands who are capitulating to the trans agenda.”

It doesn’t appear that P&G is going to back down from caving in, however. I checked on their web page for these particular products (an internet journey I had never anticipated taking and which might require some sort of trigger warning for some of the guys in the audience) and found no sign of the Venus symbol anywhere to be seen.

Let me guess. Are we now going to have a Supreme Court case looming on the horizon over this? We’re already tying up the courts over questions of trans athletes wrecking competitive women’s sports and whether or not “women with penises” should use one bathroom or the other. So what the heck. We might as well kick one off over feminine hygiene products too. Welcome to the 21st century.


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