Video: "My generation can't just complain"

Previously, we stopped by the race for New York’s 21st congressional district and looked into the oddly personal questions which Democrats were hurling at the GOP candidate, Elise Stefanik. Apparently others in the Republican Party found Ms. Stefanik impressive, because this week she was invited to deliver the weekly address, as brought to us by Andrew Malcolm at Investors Business Daily.


The candidate – who is still in her twenties – speaks forcefully about some of the meat and potatoes issues which voters must wrestle with in this election, ranging from ObamaCare to tax reform to jobs and more. But what caught my interest was her belief that her generation has to make a personal investment in the future, and that means coming off the bench and getting into the fight.

[B]ecause of ObamaCare, my family’s small business had our coverage cancelled. Our new plan carried a 30 percent premium increase, higher deductibles, and higher out-of-pocket co-pays.

This is a story that’s become all too common, here and all around the country, whether you were promised lower costs or told you’d be able to keep the plan you like.

I decided to run for office because my generation can’t just complain about these problems. We have to help solve them as well.

It starts with working every day on improving the economy and bringing jobs home to Main Street. That’s why I’ve pledged if elected, I’ll work to overhaul our tax code to make it flatter, fairer, and simpler. Let’s clear out all the special interest loopholes and put the focus on promoting job creation and economic growth, especially for our young people.


The video follows. The more I see of this candidate, the more I find to like. Hopefully she can help inspire other concerned, younger voters to do more than just sit around and grouse about how things are worse off today than they thought they would be when they were in school.

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Mitch Berg 8:50 AM | March 31, 2025