This has been a week full of far too much bad news, so long time friend of Hot Air Andrew Malcolm rides to the rescue with something a bit more positive. Newly minted Senator Tim Scott was selected to deliver the GOP’s weekly address this morning, and he chose to use his time to deliver a message of hope in the wake of the Boston attacks.
Hi, I’m Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina.
This week, on Patriot’s Day, a day that celebrates the beginning of our country’s journey toward freedom, a horrific tragedy occurred.
The Boston Marathon bombing has left us all with a heavy heart and we pray for the victims and their families. (Scroll down for full video of these remarks.)
However, while the perpetrators of this act of terror hoped that they could shake the confidence of a city, they have instead only strengthened the resolve of our nation.
This became apparent immediately as first responders ran towards unknown dangers.
These amazing Americans, some of whom charged through fences and barricades, put their own lives on the line to help others.
We are so thankful for these women and men, who on a daily basis sacrifice for our nation—they are our friends, our family, our neighbors.
Join me in praying for them and the victims of this tragedy, the victims’ families and their support systems.
To those who would attack America or our citizens, let me say this—there is no corner on Earth, no hiding place in America that will keep us from finding you.
The leaders of this country will do everything in our power to bring justice for the families and the communities impacted.
Our freedom is our most precious possession—any effort to take it away will only strengthen our determination.
Because the greatness of America is not seen during times of prosperity, but is crystallized by how we respond to challenges.
We will stand strong. We will stand united. And we will stand together for Boston.
Thank you and God bless America.
Becoming more and more impressed with this guy. Not much more to add to this, except to say that real leadership requires not only intelligence, force of will and the ability to do the right thing, but also the ability to inspire those who elected you and help maintain the spirit of the nation. This was a very good address and I’m glad Senator Scott was given the opportunity to deliver it.
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