People in other parts of the country have, on more than one occasion, scratched their heads and wondered, “how does a guy like Dennis Kucinich” keep getting elected to Congress? (More on that below, which I believe you’ll enjoy.) Well, one possible solution to that question my be popping up in the Buckeye State as they consider their redistricting options for the next decade. If you can’t vote Kucinich out, maybe you can just get rid of his congressional district entirely.
What would that do to the congressman’s future plans? Oh, he still intends to be holding a seat in the House. He’s just not sure what area he will represent. One option on the table is apparently to pack his bags and go represent Washington state.
Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich may be considering a move. The eight-term Cleveland congressman is rumored to be interested in moving out of Ohio to seek re-election to Congress from Washington State’s new 10th district.
According to Kucinich’s communications director Nathan White, “After people found out that Congressman Kucinich’s district could be eliminated or substantially altered in congressional redistricting by the Ohio Legislature’s Republican majority, Congressman Kucinich received requests from people in twenty states, including Washington State, encouraging him to move and run in their area.”
White said that Kucinich plans to return to Congress, but hasn’t decided which district to run in.
I can relate to his situation because our congressional district in New York is rumored to be on the block this year, and it’s really putting a crimp in the style of potential candidates looking for a shot at the seat. But many states go through this dance every ten years, so I’m sure we’ll muddle on through somehow.
Back to the question of how Kucinich keeps getting elected, though. I suppose we could turn to any number of veteran political analysts for answer, but what fun would that be? Much better, I think, to hand the question off to John Oliver of The Daily Show who faced Dennis down with precisely that inquiry. Video follows.
BONUS: While I know it’s totally below the belt, at the 1:30 mark in the video, Oliver shows Kucinich a picture of him and his amazingly beautiful wife and asks him to explain it. When Dennis doesn’t understand what he means, Oliver says, “It’s like if a Golden Retriever tried to mate with a Chihuahua.”
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