Biden’s far-left "unity" will divide us

Despite high unemployment and the pandemic, Biden invited Central American caravans to come on in. With a moratorium on deportations of illegal crossers, he made it certain the border will be flooded, and that criminals and the COVID-infected will be among them. His press secretary described the policy as contributing to “racial equity.”


Biden also signed a radical order letting boys compete in girls’ sports events if they identify as transgender. The practice already is causing an uproar and now Biden has put the federal government on the side of glaring unfairness.

He rejoined the World Health Organization, which Trump accused of obscuring China’s role in spreading the coronavirus. So Biden will spend upwards of $450 million a year for the privilege of being the WHO’s largest donor — and we’ll never get the truth about what the organization knew and when it knew it.

The conflicts and incoherence aside, the far left and media echo chambers swooned their approval of these and other measures, but that was predictable. The real test will come when Biden doesn’t have Trump to kick around anymore.

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