The world is moving on from Trump. And others are stepping forward.

As Trump’s United States retreats from global diplomatic engagements, other opportunistic countries are stepping forward. The most obvious example is Russia. President Vladimir Putin may hold a weak hand, but he’s in the game. Russia talks with everyone: Israel and Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the Taliban and the Afghan government. Putin may be a bully boy, but he’s wearing a diplomat’s pinstriped pants — sponsoring negotiations on Syria, Afghanistan and other issues. Once upon a time, America owned this role of global broker, but not anymore.


The greatest beneficiary of Trump’s retreat is China, which openly proclaims its desire to challenge U.S. global primacy. A senior Australian official told me this week that everywhere Australia looks in Asia, it sees China seeking to find potential bases for its increasingly powerful military. Australia is one of the countries that has relied upon U.S. power, and officials still hope that’s a good bet. But looking at Trump, they have to wonder.

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