Keith Schiller, the Trump super-fixer who "knows where all the bodies are buried"

Meanwhile, this past November, the House intelligence committee grilled Keith Schiller about another group of women rumored to be linked to Trump. This time, though, the setting was not at the shady greens of Lake Tahoe nor in the glittering heart of Beverly Hills, but in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.


It was November 2013, and Trump was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. During a meeting at the Ritz-Carlton, where Trump was staying, a Russian participant approached Schiller and offered to send five escorts to Trump’s hotel room, the bodyguard testified. He said he dismissed the proposal as a joke and told the stranger, “We don’t do that type of stuff.”

Schiller’s comments were in reference to the so-called Steele dossier, penned by a former British spy, which alleged that Trump had engaged in “perverted sexual acts” with Russian prostitutes and that the Kremlin had tapes of the sexcapades as potential blackmail fodder. Trump and his team have called the Steele dossier’s claims “fake news” and “a total political witch hunt.” Cohen, who is suing several parties involved with the publication of the dossier, called the report “ridiculous on so many levels.”

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