Civics Worthy of America’s 250th Birthday

Anyone who has lived in this decade can tell you that the United States of America has had some hard days. During another bitter election season, there were many dispiriting moments. Civil dialogue about the many issues we face was all but absent.


Especially troubling was a November 4th Wall Street Journal report that civics teachers not only steered clear of the election but also avoided discussing any current political issue in their classrooms.

Political campaigns and issues of national importance, however, are crucial opportunities for teachers to engage students in the democratic process. Teachers should invite them to learn the essential practices of civil discourse, such as understanding all sides of an issue and showing an openness to new ideas and ways of thinking. They can help students look to our history and core documents for insight. All of this serves as a path for students to become thoughtful citizens.

Yes, some teachers have taken it upon themselves to impart their personal politics. But many more teachers understand their critical role and simply lack the confidence to lead their students in political discussions. Civics teachers are generally provided with limited educational resources and content-based training while dealing with a highly volatile political climate and a culture that disregards what we as Americans hold in common.

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