SOLD!: Move the UN to Gaza

Want lasting peace in Gaza? Turn it into the United Nations headquarters.

Mr. Trump, a developer by profession, sees in Gaza 141 square miles of beachfront opportunity. Hamas squandered this resource by turning “land for peace” into a launching pad for war. Billions that could have been spent for the benefit of the Gazan people instead were sunk into terror tunnels, weapons, and graft.


Change is clearly needed—who better to oversee it than the United Nations?

After all, the General Assembly has been calling for peace in the region for decades without offering concrete solutions. This will give those caring diplomats a chance to own the solution.

Legally, Gaza would become a corpus separatum, an international zone, the same status the United Nations had proposed for Jerusalem in the 1947 partition plan for Palestine. After a substantial international cleanup effort, work can begin on turning Gaza from an “open air prison” to a vast, prosperous center for international cooperation.

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