Cuban Dictatorship Ends Its Troubled and One-Sided Romance With ‘Private’ Businesses

It was a relationship that was doomed to fail. The Castro dictatorship courted so-called private businesses in Cuba looking for help to get out of its latest economic collapse. However, it was a one-sided romance from the start. The Cuban regime only knows how to take and never intended it to be a lasting relationship.


Via Diario de Cuba (my translation):

The end of the honeymoon with MSMEs and intervention of the foreign exchange market: Cuba’s economy in 2025

At the end of 2023, when the Cuban regime warned of the imminent application of an economic package that would solve the problems that the “Ordering Task,” the severe adjustment applied in 2021, had not solved, it looked like cutbacks would be in the pipeline in 2024.

And so it was, at least in the first four months: apart from applying the package’s main measure, a rise in the price of gasoline and fuels, as well as the partial dollarization of their sale, a surge in the prices of products and services ensued. All this caused already-astronomical inflation to skyrocket, with the dollar and euro registering historic increases every week....

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