No, the Problem Isn’t the Voters

We could go on, but you get the point. And their point is: Don’t blame Harris, blame the voters. 

On one level, that’s true. In a democracy, the electorate is responsible for the results—for better or for worse. H.L. Mencken nailed it when he called democracy “the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” 


But you don’t succeed in an election by calling the common people racist or sexist or stupid. You win by listening to them.

And our media elite have put their heads in the sand. Again. They seem to think that if they keep calling Americans knuckle-dragging bigots, one day they’ll get the message. 

Ed Morrissey

The elites in this country -- in politics, the media, and especially Academia -- have no interest in listening to the people. They demand that the people listen to them, and intend to punish them when they don't. That's why the elites are obsessed with "misinformation," which they see as a lever to police speech and thought and only allow that which conforms to the elite agenda. 

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