Are Media Attacks Making Trump More Popular?

Meanwhile, what is extraordinary is Trump’s ability to improve his favorability rating in the face of relentlessly hostile media coverage. In August, at the end of Harris’s first month of campaigning, the conservative Media Research Center found that Harris’s media coverage had been 84% positive, higher than any other major-party nominee ever, while Trump’s media coverage was 89% negative. Against a headwind like that, Trump’s improvement in favorability is remarkable.


So, is there a cause and effect here? It’s entirely possible that wildly negative media coverage is actually causing many people to view Trump more favorably. After all, the media are some of the least-trusted institutions in public life, and if top media figures say something, millions of people are likely to think the opposite. It’s hard to see Trump-bashing as helping Trump, but that might be what is going on.

(via Instapundit)

Ed Morrissey

It certainly would explain a lot. The wanton dissipation of credibility has consequences, to be sure, and this may well be one of them. On the other hand, the media's tongue-bathing of Harris has helped her favorability too. 

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