Wave G'Night, England: UK Judges Are Seriously Damaged Goods

An English judge this week sentenced a woman who posted a hateful message on X to two years and seven months in prison. Lucy Connolly has no previous convictions. The same judge allowed a habitual child pornography offender to walk free from court without any prison time in 2021.


This situation underlines two concerns. First, that Americans are very lucky to have the First Amendment and its preference for robust, even hateful, speech rather than government censorship. Second, the reason why so many Britons are increasingly disenchanted with their justice system.

Connolly’s offense centered on her July 29 post following an incident that day in which three young girls were murdered. Their murderer was a Briton wrongly identified by some as a migrant. Connolly wrote, “Mass deportation now, set fire to all the f*****g hotels full of the bastards for all I care, while you’re at it take the treacherous government and politicians with them. I feel physically sick knowing what these families will now have to endure. If that makes me racist so be it.”

One week later, amid widespread rioting over the girls’ murders, a hotel hosting migrants was partially set alight.

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