Ande Nowe, Ye Olde Tale of Ye Triggered Snoweflaiks

Being “triggered” is something that originally was used to describe a PTSD reaction to certain stimuli, such as a veteran having issues with loud noises because they “trigger” his trauma response to when his convoy was hit with IEDs outside of Fallujah.


But it now has spread, and it seems the stupidity has reached a point that I’m ready to start triggering a lot of mo-fos right about that.

It seems The Canterbury Tales are getting a trigger warning and it’s probably the stupidest one yet.

Ed Morrissey

OK, OK, I had some fun with the headline. Sue me. Or 'Sueth me, thou scoldie wimpes." And then hasteneth to Tom's Substack, and subscribeth there if thy humor is tickledeth. 

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