Canada’s New Young Conservatives

If an election were held today, Canada’s Conservative Party would win in a landslide and bury the Liberals, led by Justin Trudeau. This may not seem impressive after ten years of Liberal rule; most governments wear out their welcome long before then. What’s unusual here is that Conservative support is strong in all demographics—and is strongest among youth. An astonishing 47 percent of those aged 18 to 34 would vote Conservative, and only 24 percent and 17 percent would vote Liberal and socialist, respectively. This represents a complete reversal of the upwelling of youth support that brought the Liberals to power in 2015.


Why has the electorate soured on the Liberals? First, nothing has been a greater turn-off to voters than contemporary progressive activism. 

Ed Morrissey

Hopefully, America's young adults will not be far behind this curve. 

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