'He Was Frozen': Why Walz Can't Be VP

Gazelka said the 2020 riots are another example of Walz’s bad leadership. “That was the most frustrating time with me and Gov. Walz because it was like, literally he was frozen. I’m pretty sure I was the first one to say he’s frozen because he just wouldn’t act,” he said.


The governor “did nothing” and “sat on his hands” while the city of Minneapolis burned, Gazelka said. “I ended up calling the White House and asked, can you guys help? Because he is frozen,” Gazelka said.

Ed Morrissey

It took three days to activate the National Guard, and another two to authorize them to restore order in Minneapolis. Walz' actions are indefensible. People died as a result of him being "frozen," and lots of people lost businesses, homes, and community because of it. 

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