New Info Destroys DOJ Case Against Trans Surgery Whistleblower

New information disclosed by the Department of Justice “upends” its case against Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower Eithan Haim, the doctor’s defense said in a Monday motion.


“The government admits evidence that contradicts their allegations against Dr. Haim,” the doctor’s lawyer, Marcella Burke, told The Daily Wire on Monday morning. “The government’s own disclosures blow apart their allegations. They have both the facts and the law wrong and we look forward to clearing this up so Dr. Haim can move on with his life.”

Ed Morrissey

Oh look, another politicized persecution of the Biden admin's political opponents. Quelle surprise. If this is true, then the judge shouldn't just throw out the charges -- the prosecutors should be found in criminal contempt and disbarment procedures should begin. 

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