With Election Looming, Biden-Harris Suddenly Condemning Hamas

The recent murder of an American and five Israelis by Hamas was reprehensible, but Biden officials seem to have forgotten the horror of October 7 and are acting as if these executions represented Hamas crossing some U.S. red line. Sadly, it did not. The executions were just the latest evidence that Hamas cannot be trusted or negotiated with. Biden officials should have been consistently stating after the October 7 terrorist attack that Hamas must be destroyed and can play no part in governing Gaza or any Palestinian areas after the war ends.


Instead, for the last 11 months, almost all U.S. pressure and criticism concerning the Israel-Hamas War has been against Israel. The Biden/Harris administration has feuded with Israel, promoted peace plans Israel has rejected, staged feckless military responses against Iran-backed terrorists in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and failed to keep the pressure on Hamas.

Now, two months before the presidential election, the Biden/Harris administration has indicted 3 dead Hamas leaders and suddenly vowed to hold Hamas accountable for its atrocities.

Ed Morrissey

And while still pressuring Israel to make more concessions to Hamas. It's a change of spin rather than substance, but even that change is notable. Perhaps Dems have realized that appeasing the Dearborn faction is a net negative in an electorate where 80% of voters support Israel over Hamas. 

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