IG: Biden Ignored Warnings About Gaza Pier Operation

President Joe Biden ordered the construction of a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza earlier this year even as some staffers for the U.S. Agency for International Development expressed concerns that the effort would be difficult to pull off and undercut the effort to persuade Israel to open “more efficient” land crossings to get food into the territory, according to a USAID inspector general report published Tuesday. ...


“Multiple USAID staff expressed concerns that the focus on using JLOTS would detract from the Agency’s advocacy for opening land crossings, which were seen as more efficient and proven methods of transporting aid into Gaza,” according to the inspector general report. “However, once the President issued the directive, the Agency’s focus was to use JLOTS as effectively as possible.”

Ed Morrissey

This episode proved Biden's complete lack of competence in military and logistics strategies, even though the shameful Afghanistan bug-out already made that clear. This was Biden's attempt to embarrass the Israelis into backing off their intent to fight Hamas to a real conclusion, and it backfired in an utterly predictable manner. 

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