'A FRACTION of the Electorate': Ohio Finds 597 Noncitizens Who Voted or Registered

Ohio’s elections chief on Wednesday referred for possible prosecution 597 apparent noncitizens who either registered to vote or cast a ballot in a recent election — a higher number than he normally finds but still a tiny fraction of the state’s electorate.


Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose said that of those cases, 138 were found to have cast ballots and 459 registered but did not vote. They were identified as part of a routine review and referred to Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost.

The total compares to 148 noncitizen cases referred in 2022, 117 in 2021 and 354 in 2019. More than 8 million people are registered to vote in Ohio.

Only a handful of noncitizen-related cases are ever prosecuted. However, this year's referrals come as preventing noncitizen voting has become a centerpiece of Republicans’ 2024 campaign messaging.

Beege Welborn

No worries - just a fraction. What's a couple hundred illegal voters...

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