No, Mr. President, the Protesters Don’t Have a Point

Now the anti-Israel mob, which showed up outside the Israeli consulate in Chicago on Tuesday, has a new target: “Killer Kamala.” The dozens of protesters, thirteen of whom ended up arrested, spontaneously broke out into chants of “f*** Kamala” while a masked man waved a Samidoun flag and others held up signs declaring Biden and Harris were “different heads, same beast.”


In their more than hour-long confrontation with the police, the protesters told at least three entities to “go to hell”: Israel, the DNC, and the Chicago Police Department. They burned an American flag in the street. As rows of police stood about twenty feet away, their batons at the ready, activists were told to take to the microphone and “speak your bitter, speak your venom.” ...

They called this a march for Gaza, but this could hardly be a march for anything—only against. Against the Republicans, against the Democrats, and against America.

Ed Morrissey

Biden's pandering to the Dearborn faction all the way to the end. Kamala Harris might not be pandering but ready to shift American foreign policy sharply away from Israel and the only liberal democracy in the region. 

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