Biden's Estimate of New EV Charging Stations Only Off by 499, 992

CLAIM: “Creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in clean energy for American workers, including the IBEW installing 500,000—500,000—charging stations all across America.”


VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. They built eight, as of May.

President Joe Biden claimed credit Monday night for building 500,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, as part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. The reality is that as of May 2024, two and-a-half years after the bill was passed, only eight of the charging stations had been built.

[Vice President Kamala] Harris has a track record against which to measure her promise [of 3 million additional houses in four years], and it is the failure of the Biden-Harris administration to build the electric vehicle (EV) charging stations that it promised to build under the infrastructure bill of 2021. at a cost of $7.5 billion. The goal was 500,000; two-and-a-half years later, as of May 2024, only eight EV stations had been built.

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