'Satan is Pleased'

“10 child sacrifices on day 1 of DNC. Satan is pleased,” Gaines, the former collegiate swimmer and outspoken advocate for women in female sports wrote on X in response to a post from pro-life leader and Live Action founder Lila Rose about how many abortions Planned Parenthood said it had performed on Monday.


Rose’s post read, “Planned Parenthood staff is saying that on the first day of the DNC, they did ten free abortions. Ten helpless babies have been sacrificed so far at the DNC death cult. There are no words to express the sheer horror.”

Daily Wire co-founder, co-CEO Boreing also reacted to the news and wrote on X, “It’s hard to imagine there was that much rape and incest just the first day of the DNC.”

Ed Morrissey

Satan, Moloch, Baal ... take your pick ... 

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