Don't Work Like That: Dems Want to Wait Until AFTER Kamala Wins to Set Policy Proposals

Congressional Democrats are largely content to wait until after the election for Kamala Harris to drill down on her policy agenda.

As she picks up the mantle from President Joe Biden and heads into an energized convention next week, the Democratic nominee is slowly rolling out some policy proposals and disavowing some of her former positions. But mostly, she’s leaning into a general positive message that has wider appeal, specifically because it’s light on the details.

Democratic lawmakers call it a savvy strategy. They’d rather lay out a specific plan post-November, when a potential President-elect Harris would have to staff up her administration and determine her governing priorities.


“She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. We’ve got the biggest possible tent right now,” said Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-N.H.), chair of the centrist New Democrats. “I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now.”

Beege Welborn

No, sir. 

That's not the way any of this works.

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