Hunter's FARA Pass Proves Two-Tiered Justice in US

The lack of enforcement against Hunter Biden’s lobbying on behalf of foreign entities would not normally be such a big deal. Between 1967 and 2018 the Justice Department prosecuted only 13 total cases for criminal violation of the law. Most of the time, FARA violators were fined or forced to register retroactively with the Justice Department. 


But after Robert Mueller began his probe into whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election, his office resurrected the FARA statute in an effort to flip former advisers and hangers-on to turn on Trump. ...

Now that the current president’s son seems to have engaged in a FARA crime spree only a year before Weissmann started his FARA crackdown, it’s fair to say Trump and his supporters have a point when they complain about a politicized, two-tiered justice system.

Ed Morrissey

FARA for thee but not for we. Given that Hunter used his access to influence to do business with China in particular, the need for FARA enforcement in this case is even more acute. And yet, the DoJ gave Hunter a pass. And everyone knows why -- because it would have pointed back to Joe Biden. 

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