U Georgia Suspends Six For 'Well Organized' Anti-Israel Encampment

Greg Trevor, a spokesperson for the University of Georgia, sent Campus Reform a statement that condemned the pro-Palestine protests held in April and said that the students “clearly” violated university policy.


Trevor referenced that, in late April, students at UGA set up an encampment on their quad, as many other student groups did nationwide. Around 25 students initially started the encampment, stating their goals were “solidarity, disclosure, protection and divestment” from Israel, according to The Red and Black. ...

The protestors “formed a clearly prohibited encampment on our historic North Campus Quad, and refused repeated warnings to either comply with policies or disperse,” Trevor added.

Trevor continued to explain that six UGA students were arrested and charged “with multiple violations of the University’s Code of Student Conduct.”

Ed Morrissey

Well, it's a start. Expulsion would have been a better choice and sent a clearer message. It's one thing to hold a rally or other form of peaceful protest, but it's another thing entirely to seize ground and refuse to leave when asked to do so. 

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