Cuban Raft Sinks With 11 On Board, Only Two Survive

From our Bureau of Tragedies Involving Rustic Vessels with some assistance from our Bureau of Utter Desperation

Fleeing Cuba on rafts and other “rustic vessels” is extremely dangerous, and also pointless, given that the U.S. will return any who survive and reach land or are intercepted out at sea. Yet, desperate Cubans keep trying to flee this way. Some are now aiming for Mexico or other Caribbean islands, hoping to sneak into the U.S. through Jar-Jar Biden’s open border. But some simply die, as has just happened to some Cubans from Pinar del Rio, including the young woman above, who survived the sinking of her raft, but died of dehydration..


From 14yMedio via Translating Cuba

Amaury Miguel Suárez Torres and his stepfather were the only survivors of the shipwreck of a raft in which, along with nine other Cubans, they sailed on July 14 from La Coloma beach, in Pinar del Río, heading to the United States. Rescued by the Cuban authorities, both have third-degree burns and are receiving medical attention in a hospital in the province, influencer Niover Licea reported on social networks.

The raft, according to Licea, “began to take on water” in the middle of the journey, but the crew members, mostly residents of the Alonso Rojas People’s Council, decided to continue. In the early hours of the same day, the boat crashed into a reef and the rafters fell into the sea...

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