CA State Senator Switches from Dem to GOP

“Since I’ve served in our state’s Capitol, I’ve had a front-row seat to witness the supermajority push California in the wrong direction, having a grave effect on our once golden state,” she said. “I cannot stand by a party that ignores the will of the people and disregards the core American values that my very community supports and believes in.”


[Marie] Alvarado-Gil gave her first interview on Thursday night, saying she switched despite being a Democrat her whole life.

“It was the right thing to do,” she said. “I’ve been a Democrat my whole adult life. … The Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party that I signed up with as a new voter. The pendulum has swung so far to the left that it has disengaged from what true Californians value.”

Ed Morrissey

She's not exactly going MAGA, but it's still embarrassing for the state Democrat Party. That's especially true since the incentives are set heavily toward remaining Democrat in a chamber and legislature with Democrat super-majorities. 

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