Axed-ios: Laid Off Staffers Ejected By Security?

It gets worse. A spy tells Cockburn that the laid-off workers were summarily frog-marched out of the media company’s northern Virginia building Thursday by security. Remaining Axios employees chattered on their way up the building elevator post-lunch that they ought to hurry back to their desks “before we get in trouble.”

The big picture: Axios isn’t the first media outlet to lay employees off this year, but they certainly didn’t learn anything from their bedfellows about how to respectfully treat departing staff.


Ed Morrissey

Presumably they didn't get exited while handcuffed, which is what "frogmarched" means to me. But it doesn't sound as though they got exited out with much dignity either. Security escorts generally aren't necessary for non-confrontational situations like layoffs. 

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