How About China, China, China on Walz?

Put simply, the Chinese communists aren’t running a holiday charity for American tourists. For those communists, nothing comes without a quid pro quo. It’s certain that Walz was vetted by the Ministry of State Security, the regime’s powerful secret police, because that’s how China works. No American would be allowed to run academic exchanges for a couple of decades, on the CCP’s dime, without MSS approval. It just wouldn’t happen.


While this doesn’t mean that Walz has a witting relationship with the MSS, what might it know about him after his 30 visits to the country? Three decades ago, a young American with an affection for China, who was also a part-time member of the U.S. military, would have been a tempting recruiting target for Chinese intelligence. Given that Beijing’s spies represent the greatest espionage threat to the United States today, this isn’t any merely academic query.

Moreover, we’re coming off four years of a Democratic president possessing odd, unexplained ties to Beijing, including millions of dollars given to his son by Chinese intelligence. Do we really want someone who may be even more compromised by China in the White House? 

Ed Morrissey

This seems like much more of a problem than Trump's business connections to Russia in 2015-16. But even if it's on the same scale, will the media dig into this in a symmetrical manner?

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